Sunday, January 30, 2011

Brand-Driven Moodboards

Below are some more examples of moodboards that fit the quote: "Where we think your brand needs to go on a visual level".

Again you will notice that the boards acknowledge more than the photographic style. They address issues such as Font styles and even tone of deliverables such as brochures and ads. Remember that you can pull visual examples from anywhere. You could use an example of a car ad to help you present an idea for a t-shirt company (as long as the feel is right).

Remember that your moodboards should help you describe the overall brand direction to your clients and colleagues.

The 3 moodboards that you see below represent 3 different visual directions for the same project. Each direction was presented with a different name. The common threads were keywords like "Community, Leadership, Vision, Authenticity and Sustainability"


Another Brand Positioning Statement + Boards

Moodboards - Example 1

The following screens showcase the visual moodboards that we used to illustrate what we verbally articulated in our brand positioning statement.

Notice how the final moodboards begin to imply possible visual directions for the final deliverables. They begin to address colors, font treatments and photographic styles.

Final Taglines and Brand Positioning Statement:
Who and where they are now:

Where we think their brand should/needs to go:

Inspirational websites that imply possible visual styles that would suit the brand and demographics:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Major Project - Brand Redux

Create a Position that breathes new life into your brand.

PROBLEM: Your brand's presence is not as strong as it could/should be in its respective industry (or you think you can do better). Choose a brand that believe truly needs a rebrand.

SOLUTION: Strengthen your brand and presence (aesthetically/philosophically) within the industry by taking a new position for your brand.

Brand related research
Determine what is necessary in order for your brand to be a success (repositioning or readjustment?)
Define key messaging
Create a messaging platform (taglines)
Create a visual moodboard for your new brand position (explore visual directions)
Create a new logo/logotype
Effectively implement your new brand into essential sales/marketing initiatives

WEEK 2 - Jan 29:
- Present your brand (story, target markets, competition visuals, existing touchpoints, perceptions)
- Present SWOT analysis of your brand
- Define your KEY MESSAGING
- What are your conclusions, opportunities and possible directions?

WEEK 3 - Feb 5:
- Refine your research (visual and philosophy)
- Based on what I've learned in my research phase, I've decided to pursue the following position
- Where do you think the brand needs to go to be successful in your own mind?
- All based on KEY MESSAGING
- Present V1 Brand Position (define the brand)
- Present V1 Visual Moodboard (multiple options)

WEEK 4 - Feb 12:
- Present V2 Brand Position
- Present V2 Visual Moodboard
- Present V1 logo sketches (6 directions)
- Present V1 taglines (descriptor + brand)

WEEK 5 - Feb 19:
- Present V2 logo sketches

WEEK 6 - Feb 26:
- Present final Brand Positioning Statement
- Present final moodboard
- Present final sketched logo
- Hand in Process Book or BLOG (Research, SWOT analysis, Opportunities, Moodboards, Directions, Visual Sketches)
- Ready for Digital Design


WEEK 7 - Mar 12
WEEK 8 - Mar 19
WEEK 9 - Mar 26
WEEK 10 - Apr 2
WEEK 11 - Apr 9
WEEK 12 - Apr 16

1. Successful completion of all required elements (all essential elements have been CLEARLY laid out in the previous section). Failure to complete any of these required elements will result in the loss of marks.
2. The ability and the EFFORT to make proper decisions regarding major issues addressed in class lectures. These issues include; ideation research, brand positioning, visualization
3. Students will also receive marks for their participation in in-class critiques and professionalism when presenting their own project.
4. Students will be graded on how well they can stay on task throughout the duration of their project schedule. Failure to meet any of the class deadlines will result in a loss of marks.

Successful completion of all element: 15
Participation/Effort in class and brainstorming: 35
The pursuit of Blue Sky Creativity: 30
All aspects of presentation (in-class, blog and speaking): 20

Course Schedule

Updated as of Jan 23, 2011

Class 1 (Jan 22, 2011)
Review course outline and class schedule

Introduce BRANDING
AESTHETIC Positioning

The ESSENCE of a Brand
Assignment: Project REDUX 1

Class 2 (Jan 29, 2011)
Brand Identity
ID and Logo Basics
Visual essence

Essential mechanics of branding
The Power of conceptual branding
Explain concept
Implementation into campaigns

Class 3 (Feb 5, 2011)
Review IDEATION principles
Focus on Mechanics of a problem
Focus on Ideation/Brainstorming and Conceptualization
The Creative Process

In class assignents/exercises


Class 4 (Feb 12, 2011)

Class 5 (Feb 19, 2011)

Class 6 (Feb 26, 2011)
- Brand Positioning complete
- Sketches complete
- Moodboards complete
- Taglines complete

READING BREAK (Mar 5, 2011)

Class 7 (Mar 12, 2011)
- Digital Development
- Implementation
- Marketing Campaigns

Class 8 (Mar 19, 2011)

Class 9 (Mar 26, 2011)

Class 10 (Apr 2, 2011)

Class 11 (Apr 9, 2011)

Class 12 (Apr 16, 2011)